Trusts in mixed legal systems (Digitaal boek)

This volume addresses the trust law in mixed legal systems. It is well known that the common law concept of the trust is rapidly becoming more important in civil law countries as well. This poses many problems as to the use and accommodation of the trust in continental systems of property law. Mixed jurisdictions like those of Scotland, South Africa and Quebec already have experience in combining the trust and civil law property. This book investigates what this experience exactly is. In doing so, the authors have sought not only to make the trust rules of mixed jurisdictions accessible to a general readership, but also to relate these to the coming into being of a new European ius commune.

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Verschijningsvorm: Digitale uitgaven (download pdf)

Auteur(s): J.M. Milo, J.M. Smits (red.)

1e druk 2001

Verschijningsdatum: 23-09-2001

ISBN: 9789069164250

Pagina's: 114

mixed jurisdictions trust

Burgerlijk recht Internationaal Europees en buitenlands recht Internationaal en Europees privaatrecht

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