The Netherlands Commercial Court (Digitaal boek)
The Netherlands Commercial Court is a new international commercial court which opened its doors in Amsterdam on 1 January 2019. According to the Rule of Law Index of the World Justice Project, Dutch civil courts are among the most reputable in the world. In addition, the efficiency of Dutch civil procedural law contributes to the Dutch courts’ vast experience in dealing with international commercial matters. The distinguishing feature of the new Netherlands Commercial Court is that the proceedings will be conducted – and the judgment rendered – entirely in English. Furthermore, the applicable procedural rules of the Netherlands Commercial Court provide the flexibility for proceedings to be conducted either in the civil law tradition or in a manner more similar to proceedings in common law jurisdictions or international arbitration. By providing this flexibility, the aim is to make proceedings recognisable for international parties.
This Ars Aequi Privaatrecht cahier contains all relevant information concerning the Netherlands Commercial Court, including the reasons for, and background of its establishment, potential benefits as well as possible issues.
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