ECJ Cases on European Contract Law (Digitaal boek)

ECJ Cases on European Contract Law contains the main cases of the European Court of Justice in the area of contract law. Contract law is understood here in a broad, functional sense as the law applicable to disputes between parties to a contract. This includes eg subjects that in the national legal systems of several member states are dealt with in the general part of the civil code or in the general part of the law of obligations. On the other hand, however, it excludes administrative and criminal procedures.

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Verschijningsvorm: Digitale uitgaven (download pdf)

Auteur(s): M.W. Hesselink, J.W. Rutgers (red.)

1e druk 2006

Verschijningsdatum: 01-08-2006

ISBN: 9789069165905

Contract Law contractenrecht European Contract Law

Internationaal Europees en buitenlands recht Internationaal en Europees privaatrecht

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