Justice through Indigenous Lenses


Datum en tijd:
26 januari 2022 17:00 - 19:00 uur


This event will reflect on: (1) indigenous understandings of local and international justice with an emphasis on criminal justice, as well as the expectations of indigenous peoples from international criminal law in cases of mass crimes perpetrated against them; and (2) the need to include indigenous legal traditions as sources of law within the international criminal justice system, built from legal traditions of common and civil law in order for global justice to be served.

This panel will explore and explain what indigenous peoples from different parts of the globe understand as justice, and, more specifically, criminal justice, in their communities.  In addition, it will look into the perceptions of indigenous peoples regarding current international criminal justice framework and institutions, as well as their expectations from international criminal proceedings (domestic or international).

Registration: https://fd24.formdesk.com/universiteitleiden/InternationalLawIndigenousCultures
Additional information: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/agenda/2022/01/justice-through-indigenous-lenses