From Grand Tour and Exoticism, to Organized Crime and Terrorism: How Cultural Heritage Narratives Shape Regulatory and Criminal Policies
By Prof. Arianna Visconti
Datum en tijd:
23 september 2024 16:00 - 16:45 uur
Maastricht University and online
The way in which human beings conceptualize cultural heritage and their relationship with it has a profound influence on attitudes towards its legal protection. Globally, it is only during the last decades that the problems posed by looting and trafficking of cultural artefacts have started to be framed in terms of criminal, rather than of conservation, issues. The lecture will explore how shifting narratives about the taking of art and of ‘exotic’ cultural objects have contributed to this extremely slow evolution, as well as the reasons for its recent and significant acceleration, which led, in 2017, to the adoption of the first cultural property trafficking suppression treaty.
Cost: Free of charge
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