Conference ENCLE and IJCLE
Clinical Legal Education: the creation of knowledge through transformative experience
22 juli 2024 tot 24 juli 2024
University of Amsterdam
Roeterseilandcampus - building A
The Amsterdam Law School will host the annual international conference of the European Network for Clinical Legal Education (ENCLE) and the International Journal for Clinical Legal Education (IJCLE). This year's theme is 'Clinical Legal Education: the creation of knowledge through transformative experience'. The conference will take place from Monday 22 to Wednesday 24 July 2024.
This 3-day conference provides an excellent opportunity to reflect, alongside an international audience, on the role of clinical legal education, experiential learning, and other active teaching methods in shaping the lawyers of tomorrow. The diverse topics covered during the conference will interest anyone involved in educational innovation and those keen on staying abreast of the latest developments in community service learning.
The conference is structured to facilitate as much participation as possible. While there will be a small number of plenary sessions, most of the conference will consist of parallel sessions providing many opportunities for delegates to share ideas, experience, and teaching materials.
Cost: Check the registration form for prices
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